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Control interception algorithm
Vladimir Onoprienko 1
When starting any socially significant project, you need to understand that in the process of its implementation there is a high probability of encountering an interception of control and an attempt to divert it. To implement this, the crowd-"elite" system has a proven algorithm and a personnel base that implements it. This article is based on the practical experience of the authors, which they have accumulated during the implementation of several public projects. It may be useful to those who have not yet encountered in practice the phenomenon of psychotrotskyism and the consequences of its impact on management processes. Whatever the principles by which a public association of people functions, as a rule, it always has the most active management core. It usually determines the general direction of development and is responsible for maintaining the functioning of the project. The rest of the association´s participants, who are the majority, act as common tasks arise, or when they have free time. Accordingly, the involvement and awareness of the core is always higher than that of the other participants, who are much less motivated and, accordingly, are always easier to mislead. This is a weak point, by striking which you can destroy the system or divert it from the goals for which it was created.
Let´s describe the interception of control in detail.
Keywords: Control interception algorithm