Политические науки
Noospheric socialist revolution of the XXI century
Subetto ALEXANDER I. 1
UDC 141.8
BBK 87.65
S89 Subetto AI
Noospheric socialist revolution of the XXI century: the base of the theory: Monograph
[Text] / AI Subetto; under the scientific. Ed.
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. LA Zelenova. - SPb .: Asterion, 2016. - 139 p.
ISBN 978-5-00045-369-8
The new monograph presented A.I.Subetto base system
tions and imperatives (laws) that determine the inevitability noosfernothe socialist transformation of the world of mankind being which
the author characterizes as the noosphere socialist revolution
XXI Century. The content of the monograph made articles and reports, which
rye author presented the scientific community in the first half
2016. The book is addressed to all Russian intellectuals,
reflects on the scientific principles of defining the future (first
SPECT) in the development of Russia and of humanity in the XXI century in the background mirovo of the crisis of capitalism and the global environmental crisis.